Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 1: Honesty is key.

I've been toying with the idea of the whole write a novel in November thing, it has always been something I have wanted to do. I enjoy writing when I get the motivation to so, I constant make stories up in my head to pass time, but realistically I don't need that added stress in my life. Those of you who know me, know that I tend to be a private person with my struggles and that has obviously gotten me no where. So I decided to create a spin on nanowrimo and instead of a novel in 30 days, I will give myself 30 days to jump start a blog. Coming up with this idea on day two in November has already put me in a time crunch but I will hit the ground running.  

Things you need to know about me and what this blog will be:
- I'm 23 and am a professional mom to multiple children who aren't mine. 
- I'm bipolar, anxiety ridden, self harming, and generally out of control on 
- my memory usually spans a week max before it wipes its self clear. 
- this blog will be my life and it's mishaps and hilarity on display in complete            
- this blog will be my memoir I could never sit still long enough to write.  
- this blog is for my and is my proactive therapy and way to hold my self 
accountable for all my actions
-this blog could be a train wreck so feel free to enjoy the ride. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool to see you're starting a blog - best of luck with it, I will follow!
